Things to consider if you’re breastfeeding your baby in the first year of life. On the journey to giving birth for the first time, young moms should remember to equip themselves with basic knowledge. And dads don’t forget to immediately learn how to take care of their wives to raise their children together in the best way. Let’s BioHealth give you the basics of breastfeeding, making it easier to welcome the first year of breastfeeding.

Mother’s milk is the perfect food for kids

Nature has provided you with the perfect parenting method for the first year of life. Breast milk contains good fats, proteins, and antibodies that help babies grow and protect their body against disease. That’s why many mothers always choose to breastfeed their babies. In fact, 77% of babies are now breastfed, at least for a short time. And this number has gradually increased over the decades.

Breastfeeding is natural, but it’s not an easy task

Many new mothers feel that breastfeeding is not easy and become frustrated when they do not understand it right away or worry that their baby is not getting enough milk. According to a research of the pediatrics professor at Stanford University School of Medicine: “You can increase milk production significantly if you hand express milk early (colostrum) from your breasts in the first three days.” If you are still in the hospital, take time to listen to doctors’ advice, learn how to get your baby to latch on to your breast, and comfortable breastfeeding positions.

Based on supply and demand

In fact, the more your baby suckles, the more milk you produce. During the first six weeks after birth, you should breastfeed whenever your baby wants. Some mothers usually feed their babies for a few hours or about 10 to 12 times a day. Don’t worry when your baby eats less or more, because not all babies are the same and it depends on their unique needs and your milk supply to adjust to your baby, creating his own schedule.

Practice and be patient

If you’re planning to go back to work, you’ll need to master your breast-pump skills. Learn how to pump with a breast pump at first, and don’t be surprised when the amount of milk you pump out is small the first time you use it. Be patient, it will be easier later, and more milk is produced. Store a supply of breast milk in the freezer for your dad or caregiver to use. This stage helps the baby maintain the activity of drinking breast milk instead of formula.

Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding helps you lose weight significantly. In addition, diaper mothers also receive many other similar benefits such as reducing the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, reducing uterine contractions, diabetes, etc.

Maintain a daily meal for two

Sometimes your baby has an upset stomach or an allergic reaction because you’ve eaten something sensitive to his body. It takes up to two to six hours for food to enter be absorbed your breast milk, the nourishment you receive will nourish your baby. Think about what you ate that day. Pay more attention to the daily diet during breastfeeding.

Do not use alcohol if you don’t want to affect your baby

Before pregnancy and after giving birth, you need to stay away from all alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer, if you want to think about breastfeeding. According to Dr. Wilwerding: “Two or more drinks a day harms the motor development of the baby, interferes with the milk ducts”, which means causing blockages leading to pain.

Be careful about drugs during breastfeeding 

Some drugs are rated as safe, such as antibiotics, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen. On the other hand, others are not safe, like drugs for cancer, migraine, and psoriasis. Talk to your specialist for advice before prescribing medication for you.

Drink more water while breastfeeding

The baby sucking a lot will make the mother thirsty more quickly than usual. Mothers should remember to add water to the body before each feeding because this helps stimulate milk production for the mother.


BioHealth hopes this article on breastfeeding knowledge will help you solve your first baby care problems. The above knowledge is synthesized from many experts’ advice, selectively applying the most appropriate breastfeeding process.

If you have any questions, please contact us or tell us more information. We will assist you in the most effective parenting process.

Good luck to you and your baby!

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